Sunday, October 11, 2015

Pyroclastic Flow

                      The Pyroclastic Flow is Very Dangerous!                         It is the kind of lava that comes out of a Strato Volcano.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Earthquake Proof Buildings

San Francisco has a lot of earthquakes. They need to have buildings that cannot get damaged. The poles go down into the ground until they hit bedrock.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Composite/Strato Volcanos

Did you know that Composite Volcanos are also called Strato Volcanos? They  are very dangerous.   They have the pyroclastic flow!

Tectonic Plates

There are plates under the Earth wich make volcanos, earthquakes, mountains and valleys. There are over 20 plates. There are 54 plates and 10 main plates.